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Multi Format Tournament 2018

This team tournament of 4 rounds took place on a pleasant late summer's afternoon. Taking part this year were a number of members from the relatively newly formed '50+' Group that get together regularly on Monday mornings. Thanks to Mary…

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24 hour Tennis Marathon

24 hour Tennis Marathon

On Sunday, the 22nd of July, the 24 hour tennis marathon was successfully completed and the money raised currently stands at over £1,600.00! We kicked the day off with our first Facebook live video reaching out to our families and…

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Supervets match

Supervets match

The only quarter final of this year's Supervets tournament took place recently. The notable thing about the match was that the combined age of the four is almost 295 years – is this a record for ALTC?! And look how…

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Manor House Hotel

Manor House Hotel Weekend

This year's trip to The Manor House Hotel in Devon saw many first timers along with the regulars. It’s a place new friendships were formed, along with new skills learnt. This fun-packed weekend is always a highlight in the social…

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Charity Presentation

Our 2017 charity of the year was the Dan Maskell Tennis Trust whose focus is in creating opportunities and supporting disabled people who want to play tennis. As a club we raised a grand total of £2000, made up from…

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