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Christmas Tournament & Meal 2019

The Christmas Tournament and Dinner took place on the first Sunday in December, as has become the tradition at the club. The Member of the Year award was also announced at the meal.

The Christmas Tournament was a great success with 30 entrants who braved the cold! The players were split into four teams run with great efficiency by team captains Raji, Andy, Sue and Gary. Gary’s team came out on top with an impressive 60 games won in total.

The tournament was played in Ashford’s usual fashion of a fun spirit with a bit of family needle – special mention of Dan Godbold’s delight in beating his father in the penultimate round!

Overall some great tennis was played and it was lovely to see so many players from different sections of the club come together to have such a fun event. The mulled wine and mince pies at half time went down a treat!

The winning team captained by Gary, with coaches & organisers Duncan and Roger

The Dinner & Presentation

Our resident chef James once again did us proud this year. A wonderful 3 course buffet was laid on for 70 people, a little more than originally planned, and everyone was very complimentary about the food.

After the meal there was a presentation for the Member of the Year award given by last year’s winner Peter Cox. A transcript of his speech is given below:

Len Claremont was voted Member of the year for his long service to the club and his representation of the club on the Woodthorpe Road Sports Club management committee. Without Len’s work we would not have the bar and sports club facilities we all enjoy today. Len also manages the infrastructure of the tennis club ie the courts, lighting, evergreen wind screens and patio area. They are all a credit to him and the club.
He is not just a manager but a worker too. He rolls up his sleeves and gets involved in helping plant the new shrubs around the courts, banking bar takings and arranging lease contracts for telecommunications masts and for the scouts at the far end of our site.

The runner up this year was Janet Crook who is retiring as Membership secretary after years of excellent service. She has made herself available at many of the play times in order to meet existing and new members. Collecting and accounting for the subs of over 200 members is no easy task but she has been dilligent in her work.

It is a shame that we had two such worthy candidates in one year; we can be proud of both of them.

Eight other candidates were proposed and in no particular order they were:
Kate Proffitt
Lee Strongitharm
Roger White
Alan Hall
Kevin Uwins
Jim Kitchen
Mary Claremont
Paul Snell

We can all recognise the efforts these members have made to make our club a great club to belong to. Congratulations and Thank you to all the candidates.


Member of the year award
Len Claremont receives the Member of the Year Award 2019 from Peter Cox
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